3-4 inches of rain in our area put a halt to planting thoughts. Overall this week was cold and wet, many fields still have duck ponds in them. We needed a slight break in the warm weather to get all of our spring projects done. We tackled a few on the road planter jobs this week with a couple more to do next week. We have been busy welding up tote racks for tender trailers, customizing tender trailers, and assembling Y drop toolbars in the shop. Next week, we will be having an open house at our Nova, OH store location where we will welcome many customers in for parts discounts and good food! Come join us next week for that! Sprayers have been a hot topic lately, and we have an abundance of options in the field as well: Hardi pull type, Fast, Enduraplas and more. Next week looks like a beautiful week of weather coming, and it could mean a chance to get into the fields.
Be sure to tune into our YouTube Channel. Have a great weekend, and feel free to call 419-942-3512.

The video below features an Unverferth seed tender and liquid fertilizer storage all in one.
The Talkin' Shed Podcast by Fennig Equipment

This is a great episode where we cover a variety of topics as talk with Lee Kilpatrick and Dave Gunkelman from the Salford Group.
Speed Up Planting and Spraying

We have talked a lot about these tender trailers and how they can speed up your spraying process, but have you seen the ones with seed tenders as well? We are getting some really cool projects in here from customers and ideas about how to make the most efficient trailer available today for that grower. Seed tenders, tote racks, auto batch mixers and more features really add to the value of these systems. Call us today at 419-942-3512 to get a gooseneck tender trailer for your truck, or to quote a semi tender trailer.
New YouTube Videos This Week
We are continuing to add new and fresh content every week to keep our customers engaged with what we are up to. Enjoy these recent videos. We currently have 2,360 YouTube subscribers. Help us reach 3,000 by subscribing today!
Click Here to See Our Youtube Channel
What Are We Up To? Assemblies & Installs

Used Items This Week

This week we have a used 42' John Deere field cultivator we just traded. Unit has the ISO depth adjustment from the cab, rear hitch and new shovels!
Call 419-942-3512 for more information.