Another mild week of weather and most places caught a good amount of rain last weekend. Crops are really starting to shine in some areas. It is amazing how crops can recover from being pineapples in June to be packing on ears in July with some timely rains and great weather. We attended Becknology days yesterday and are going back today. What an event! Whether you plant Becks or not, the event is public and welcomes everybody. But the amount of time, money, and effort put forward to hosting that event is unreal. Yesterday they fed 1,500 people and made it look easy. We had a crew of installers in southern Indiana this week installing 3 Valmar cover crop seeders on Krause, John Deere, and Great Plains tillage tools, and will have another crew headed out next week to Illinois and Missouri.
Be sure to tune into our YouTube Channel. Have a great weekend, and feel free to call 419-953-8500.

Managing Residue Starts in the Fall
I talk to a lot of guys who are looking to be more efficient with every move they make. Good help is hard to find. So how can we do more with less? This whole idea is a huge part of what we do, help farmers do more with less. As we approach fall, one of our biggest time savers is mounted to the combine. The Yetter Stalk Devastator, it crimps and flattens stalks so that there is no fall residue management tillage pass required when going to beans. Let the stalks decay and break down over winter. Thanks to the Devastator, the moisture and bacteria can get into the shell to break it down. Come spring time, they shatter apart and are paper brittle.
The next step is Row Cleaners (AKA Residue Managers) on the bean planter. With beans, my goal is to cut planted population but still harvest target population (lose less soybeans to germination issues). The row cleaner ensures you are planting into a clean seedbed so you lose less to germination due to increased seed to soil contact.
Soybean success, residue management, returning locked up nutrients into the soil, and saving tires all starts now at harvest time. Make sure you are prepared.

The Talkin' Shed Podcast by Fennig Equipment
This week we head to Jeff Dulings farm in Ottowa, OH to talk with him about his farming operation, how it started, and where it is headed today. Jeff is all about building soil structure using multiple methods to do so. Tune in for an educational listen.
In this episode we sit down with Jeff Duling from Ottowa, OH to talk about his farming operation and how he has built his land to where it is today. Jeff works hard and pays attention to details and believes heavily into build soil structure. Listen in as we talk about his past and plans for the future.
New YouTube Videos This Week
We are continuing to add new and fresh content every week to keep our customers engaged with what we are up to. Enjoy these recent videos. We currently have 1,490 YouTube subscribers, help us reach 2,000 by subscribing today!
Click Here to See Our Youtube Channel
- Cover Crops Seeded with S2S Inter Seeder
- S2S Seeding Success Jeff Duling Ottowa, OH
- A 16 Row Strip Till Fertilizer Banding Toolbar
- Meridian 520 Diesel/DEF Tender
What Are We Up To? Assemblies & Installs

Used Items This Week
This week we have a used 25' Case 330 turbo till Disc/VT tool. This unit is a 2017, very well kept and the blades measure 20"! A very beefy unit that can incorporate in the fall or spring. Located in Coldwater, OH
Call 419-953-8500 today for more information!